How I love a browse through your blog Lucia! Happy Sunday. Sitting doing my homework (from a counselling course) and finding Sunday colours uninspiring here - heading for the neighbours' 50th (golden) wedding anniversary celebration when I've finished my homework - and I find your blog full of golden golden golden. Gorgeous. Caught up with a few past blogs and I love watching your mood go up and down in the photos and the writing. Lots of love to you. Clare xxxxxx
How I love a browse through your blog Lucia! Happy Sunday. Sitting doing my homework (from a counselling course) and finding Sunday colours uninspiring here - heading for the neighbours' 50th (golden) wedding anniversary celebration when I've finished my homework - and I find your blog full of golden golden golden. Gorgeous. Caught up with a few past blogs and I love watching your mood go up and down in the photos and the writing. Lots of love to you. Clare xxxxxx