Friday, October 25, 2013


I have no rational reason why I decided to make these fish yesterday, they are not seasonally inspired, 
the idea for them had not been brewing in my head for ages, I did not have a perfect spot on the wall I needed to fill.
I just happened to think of them, a lightbulb moment! and then I HAD to make them.
Even though my sewing machine was broken(ie, I coulden't figure out how to thread th bobbin) even though as well as my 3 children I was also hosting a playdate with 2 more, even though I had been up late the night before drinking Sake with my little brother, and even though my baby boy was perpetually wrapped around my legs, and dinner needed to be made.
I still had to find a way to make these FISH.

So here they are now.
Wishing you a great and  equally inspired friday

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