Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This is

For my friend Emma, who asks:
"Is everything really always that groovy in your home?"

My answer is, "check out this pile of laundry! it reaches the ceiling, and  is  an everyday occurance, with no laundry room to speak of.
Also if you must know, 3 kids who were sick all night long, and throw up EVERYWHERE.
What do you think of me now? lol


  1. Oh dear! I am sorry you had sick kid night... and I am sure that ADDED to the laundry. What is with laundry? It multiplies so quickly.
    LOVE you and your blog even if you do have piles of laundry that reach the ceiling... :)

  2. Help thanks Wow to paraphrase Annie LaMott.
    one load at a time..... i'm so sorry, you poor ducks..... comforting thoughts blizzarding you
