Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New yard, a few pictures

I have been thinking about taking all those nifty "before" and "after" shots of our house as we go along...but the truth is I am too horrified by the before, too much work, things in too bad of shape, just have to put our heads down and plow along.
The one place of solace for me right now is the yard, although it is neglected, the grass dead,  the dirt dry, and in need of about 100 bags of compost to amend the soil  (which believe it or not i am doing)
There is still a peaceful breezy sweetness out there, with lots of little birds chirping.

Favorite thing about the yard, amazing healthy, shade giving Aspen trees in the front
Plants for the sunroom
someone at some point loved this yard, there are beautiful flagstone rock beds everywhere, 
I just get to fill them!

I collected and painted these little birdhouses for this very purpose

Massive arched Forsythia bush
Imani helping me plant
Flox? not sure what these beautiful flowers are yet
Fairy gardens

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