Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy father's day

I have thousands upon thousands of beautiful photos of you fathering.
 Favorites upon favorites of magical moments captured, though this one remains my favorite.
This fathers day I just want to say thank you,

Thank you for being way too young to have embarked on the journey of fatherhood, without really ever exploring your own youth.
Thank you for growing up along side your kids.
Thank you for learning a trade, and supporting your family.
Thank you for always playing and finding youthful joy with them!
thank you for your patience.
Thank you for building bikes, fixing toys and showing them to play checkers.
Thank you for taking the baby to sleep with you so I can sleep undisturbed after 10 years.
Thank you for their beautiful skin, lips and hair.
Thanks for being their dad.
You don't always get it right, but you try, over and over again.
And you love them to pieces, and that's what matters.
Happy father's day.

And to this man, who has fathered me without knowing it,  who with his strictness, morality, good judgement and kindness has raised 6 good children, and is a wonderful human being:
I salute you grandpa Fue!
Happy father's day to you.

To my uncle Toby, who though not fitting the traditional role of father has never the less fathered me in so many ways, stepped in and had my back when I needed it the most, year after year after year.
And whom I credit with getting me through to where I am today
What can I say but thank you? 
the right love and support has its way of finding you, if you let it.

To my own father:
Thank you for the things that you did do right.

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