Friday, March 21, 2014

Red Frog beach

Yesterday was a cool rainy day, perfect for listening to the rain pound our zinc roof, and for dealing with piles of our old things, packed away in suitacases under beds, and possibly full of bugs ( visualize me screaming) perfect for making lentils and peanut butter cookies and trying to rest in the hammock with 3 kids spinning and screaming loudly,
This day though, was perfectly hot and sunny, and although M had fever (all better now)
we took the kids to red frog beach, named after the tiny red poison dart frogs that  inhabit the jungle near the beach

jellyfish and spratt
 through mangroves,  the path to the beach

the sea is rougher here, and the kids love it, I must admit it is fun to play with the waves, pushing and pulling you, breaking over your head, washing you back to shore


heading home with  the setting sun

after a lovely beach day, making fresh passion fruit juice at home

Wishing you a wonderful friday

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